
We welcome all contributions, be they code, documentation, or even just ideas about how to make this package better!

The best way to get started is to browse the `#addwiki board on Phabricator`_ and either work on one of the tasks already there or create a new one with details of what you want to work on.

Get the code

The code is hosted on GitHub. Clone the repository with:

$ git clone

Run the tests

After cloning the repository and updating the dependencies with Composer, you should be able to run all unit tests with:

./vendor/bin/phpunit ./tests/unit

To run the integration tests you need to set up a local MediaWiki installation (including with a admin administrator user with password admin123) and tell phpunit where to find it.

  1. Copy ./phpunit.xml.dist to ./phpunit.xml and add the following section:

        <env name="MEDIAWIKI_API_URL" value="http://localhost/path/to/your/wiki/api.php" />
  2. Create and promote a new user:

    $ php mediawiki/maintenance/createAndPromote.php --sysop WikiSysop wiki123sysop

Now all integration tests can be run with:

./vendor/bin/phpunit ./tests/integration